Childcare Furniture - Part of the Total Picture

Basically, childcare furniture is part of the bigger picture which is that of the indoor child care environment. Planning for this has been the main concern of health and safety of the children in your care. Supplying your place with the furniture the children will need will have to be inspected first for potential hazards.

One of the ways you use your furniture to promote play and learning and avoiding injuries is the proper arrangement of the furniture pieces. These pieces come in different shapes and sizes that were actually designed for use by children as safely as possible by the manufacturers.


One good move that you can do is to think of the many uses of low to medium height furniture pieces. Pieces that might be too accessible from one to the other might encourage jumping off from one piece to the next.

You can also segregate them in dividing your sleeping and playing spaces for the children. These furniture pieces for sleeping will not do well in spaces which encourage play or romping around. (It will also teach the children the proper uses of the individual furniture piece all their lives and not confuse the use of one to that of the other.

One main goal is also the way you can devise in placing your furniture that will allow the freedom of movement of the children. You can do this but with the cautionary notion of preventing unsafe activities children do like running or climbing or playing rough and tumble with the use of the furniture pieces.

You need to ensure that the caregiver can easily see all the children from any position or place in the room.

Use of space

You need to think on the ways you create your indoor childcare environment which includes all the paraphernalia around, including the furniture, because there are state licensing regulations that cover them. You need to consult with a licensor.

The main point is the state wants to be sure your place complies with all the health and safety regulations before doing any business with the children.

The rooms that will be used for the childcare should be well-lighted. The rooms need to be having some good air flow and which they are to be kept at a comfortable temperature and humidity.

Designated areas

You need to designate which areas of your facility shall be used for the child care and which should be off limits to the children under care. (This includes the rooms for the staff to rest or to eat, cleaning closets and staff restrooms.)

Within the facility, you need to consider the main entrance and exit to the children and each classroom. You also need to ensure that there should be a clear path for parents and children to enter the facility.

The facility is also engendered to have a place to stop and hang up clothes, coats, remove boots and stow away personal belongings. Just like the necessity of the proper childcare furniture, these facilities are mandated by law to follow regulations all the children’s benefits.
